That was...
About as funny, if not more-so, than the actual Brawl Taunts animations. Which is not at all.
That was...
About as funny, if not more-so, than the actual Brawl Taunts animations. Which is not at all.
I liked the part...
Where it wasn't funny. a.k.a.: The whole thing. Good work.
It just wasn't that funny. My dislike for Rina aside... I loved the first 3 Parody Rangers things and this just didn't live up to them. I wasn't expecting it to blow me away or anything but I dunno... what made the other ones funny just wasn't there.
Your work continues to be high-quality, heart-felt and touching. Mature and yet cute. I wish more people would follow your example and strive to make flash this good.
Oh my god
Anyone who gives this anything less than a 10/10 is brain damaged. Superb animation and detail.
Not bad...
That's cool and all but why bother making a sprite version of something already done in very high quality in live action? Perhaps a more original scene would be better.
The general idea for this animation was mocked up to be like a Super Nintendo game. SNES is the greatest system of all time and if you don't agree check pretty much any top 5 or top 10 vg console list and you'll see the same thing. So, having said that, this is a 16 bit interpretation of the Neo v Smith fight, encompasing all abilities of the SNES and lack thereof.
Why would you ruin... ANYTHING with something horrible like reading?
Because I hate you.
Congratulations, Krinkels
You've reached the level of popularity where you can create complete garbage like these shorts you've made and people will still give them 10/10 scores. I don't blame you, you're clearly a talented artist, but I most certainly do blame your fans who clearly would still smile while you raped them in the ass and puked in their ears.
Keep up the good work!
What the hell?
I don't know what these whiney retards are complaining about "Your humor has to be geared towards all audiences". Since when has anything anybody made on this site been geared towards all audiences. Just cuz they've never played Portal and don't understand the reference, they should just not vote or review your stuff. silentmoebius01 and grean1.... keep it to yourself. This isn't hilarious but your reviews are out of place. Go away = P
Age 39, Male
Cupertino, CA
Joined on 8/20/03